The society has about seventeen feet of account books. Click here for a downloadable index to the contents of the Account Books. They are arranged roughly by geographic area, family, or purpose, such as store goods or schools. The earliest dates from the 1750s and the latest to the 1970s. Account books are the only items that the society has purchased; we bought from dealers the Levi Reed shipbuilding, the Joseph McCobb store, the John M. McFarland store, and the William McCobb blacksmith account books.
The largest collections are the:
1) Elizabeth Reed extended family account books, including diaries, logs, and a couple of account books of her Reed and Blair families, in boxes 5, 6, 32, 39, 40, 41. The collection principally covers the second half of the 1800s.
2) Frank Rice shipyard collection, given and loaned by Frank’s daughter Gwen Rice Gordon in boxes 22 to 27, and oversize books standing with the boxes. It principally covers the 1910s to the 1930s, some extending to the 1970s.
3) Billy Sawyer chandlery/wrecking business books given by Ed Baker, in boxes 34 to 37. Covers 1870 to 1922.
Aside from the store account books which provide insight into daily life, the account books tend to heavily reflect the local shipyards. Significant Boothbay account books located elsewhere are: the Paul G. Pinkham (vessel rigger) books at Maine Historical Society; and the Reuben Jones (sailmaker) book and the James Oliver Seavey (sparmaker) books at Maine Maritime Museum.
Please note: The information in the links below represents a portion of our holdings. Some items may have been moved to new boxes as collections grow or merge.
Calvin Perkins account books, Edgecomb, ME, four books altogether: 1831-1835, 1835-1838, 1840-1860 (and school notebook including financial practices), 1846-1851. Calvin Perkins lived, according to the 1857 map, about two miles up the River Road from the Boothbay line.
A. E. Perkins cash book, 1906-1926. Gift of Mrs.Thomas Hoag.
Captain’s account book, 1841-1858, probably Eleazer Giles, Most of his vessels were brigs or barques; some local accounts also, and selectmen’s accounts. Gift of Mrs. Thomas Hoag. Eleazer Giles lived in the second big house in on Walker Rd, as did Andrew Perkins. The house descended to Mrs. Hoag (d. 1991 or 1992)
1822-1823 fish book of Emerson McKown (06-4-26) from Chester Swett
Schooner Cameron, 1851-1866, account book, loan Am. Legion.
Mark Rand account book #456, 1845-1879.
Mark Rand revenue cutter record book, April 1843-March 1844; with comments on voyage to Bangor.
Freeman Grover account book, 1837-1852 (marriages listed), Southport & Dead River, loan Am. Legion.
Schooner Speedwell journal to the Banks, 1861, William Rand
Capt. Peter Briggs account book 1840s (much pasted over). Later used by Bearce.
Cecil Pierce lobster expense book, 1967-1991 (03-8-53)
Thomas Boyd 1789-1839 store ledger, some personal, about 50 pages used.
Thomas Boyd pre-1792 geography
Andrew Boyd ledger 1848-1862, 60 pages
School district #5 1839-1874 book of record, 60 pages. All loaned by Asa Tupper, Jr.
Jacob Fuller, East Boothbay, store day book and account book, 1876-1882, 1877-1887.
Day book, East Boothbay store, 1841-1843, 350 pages. #1329.
Leander Fuller, 1867-1876, 375 pages. # 398.
William Seavey, sparmaker account book, 1859-1863.
Charles/Frank Seavey: store account 1891-1895
Alice M. Dodge autograph book, 1882; (uncle Alfred Seavey)
Caleb Hodgdon Jr. account book, 1856-1859, 20 pages.
James Race account book, 1852-1861 (#91-6-19).
Freeman K. Reed diary and notebook 1839-1883, #756.
Freeman K. Reed log 1883-1886 (mostly James S. Lowell), #514.
Joseph Reed penmanship practice book, #759.
Account books of vessels Challange, Telumah, and Standard 1874-1883.
Freeman K. Reed 1860s notebook, letters, poems, log. F. K. Reed diary, 1861, 1863; work on ANNIE SARGENT. Typed copy of most in Bess Reed family box.
Freeman K. Reed private account book 1886-1887, #512.
Reed account logs: 1874-1875, 1873-1875, 1877-1879.
Benjamin F. Blair log of S. P. Hitchcock 1884-1885.
Benjamin F. Blair log of Family Pioneer and Juvenile Key 1833 & 1834
Benjamin F. Blair account book with vessels 1866-1902.
Benjamin F. Blair 1833 account book, 14 pages; 1834 account book, 30 pages, 1866-1902
Typescript of B. Blair 1806-1896 account book.
Typescript of B. Blair 1833, 1834 account book (can’t find 2-04)
Diaries 1890-1908
1850s Benjamin Blair navigation book, drawings of vessels, doodling, Litchfield Academy maybe?
Box #7: SCHOOL
School record District #1 (BBH) 1855-1875.
School committee Boothbay Harbor 1898-1908.
Boothbay Harbor school board records, 1908-1928.
Boothbay Harbor school board records, 1928-1938.
Boothbay Harbor school board records, 1935-1948.
Boothbay Harbor high school curriculum and pupil standing, 1902-1914.
Boothbay Harbor high school curriculum and pupil standing, 1914-1923
Boothbay Harbor high school curriculum and pupil standing, 1923-1927.
Sample’s Time record book, 1944, from Marson family, 01-10-92
Sample’s Night Watchman record book, 1943, 00-1-15
Joseph Patten account book, 1750s, and a photocopy.
William Wiley notebook 1760. Both are property of Boothbay Harbor Memorial Library.
John Murray McFarland account book, 1813-1815, puchased from Roy Kulp.
Joseph Campbell manuscript “Practical Navigator” 01-11-103. Good drawings of vessels
Box #10
Logs of the Zebedee Cliff: 1930-1932, 1924 (on display room 5). Gift of Frederick Dawson of Florida.
Account book of Bayville, 1917, ice, carting, and groceries (98-1-4).
Henry Wylie 1920s cash book, 97-4-40.
Engine log of the Normad, 1937; Engine log of the Normad, 1940
Luther Maddocks account book, 1870
Bayville post office money order account book, 1930
Boothbay House ledger, 1881, from Roland Bailey
Small poster for the MARY ANN, McCleery floating restaurant in Hodgdons Cove
1904 letterbook of Supt. Hahn.
Logs of Gannet: 1912-1913, 1913-1914.
Log of Pelican 1930-1933.
Cush Gray scrapbooks
Laws Relating to Sea & Shore Fisheries, 1901 (448).
Box #12: GOULD & MURRAY, blacksmiths, East Boothbay.
Gould and Murray day books 1837-1850, 1851-18574.
Gould and Murray account book 1842-1874, taken from daybook.
1830 bill for Ira Wilson from Robert Murray (d. 1834) for blacksmith work
Box #13: WILLIAM MCCOBB, blacksmith, between Boothbay Harbor and East Boothbay
William McCobb account books: 1828-1834, 1834-1837, 1837-1850, 1850-1866.
William McCobb 1805 cipher book.
Above bought from Roy Kulp and Daniel Casavant.
George McCobb 1840s account book (soldering recipe inside), 97-4-44. He worked for blacksmiths Gould & Murray, and Lemont. Died at sea 1849.
Susan McCobb 1829 penmanship book, 97-4-34
McCobb book fragments, 97-4-37a: poems, 1796 Astronomical and Geographical Catechism for Children by Caleb Bingham. . McCobb wallets 97-4-38.
C. H. Larrabee diaries 1869, 1871, 1876, 1878 (98-8-38)
Charles C. Marson notebook/diary 1910
Charles Chapman diary 1871
BHGI318 pic of Amanda Ellen McCobb Dolloff, 1820-1879
Charles Larrabee account book 1909-1920, road work (01-3-16)
George Larrabee account book 1927-1928, loads of gravel (01-3-17)
Larrabee account book for gravel, 1915-1920 (01-2-13)
Levi Reed account book, 1835-1885 (93-1-4). Reed was located at Meadow Cove. He moved from Woolwich, probably at the instigation of Caleb Hodgdon. Purchased from Daniel Casavant.
Holbrook store account book, 1866-1869 (96-11-98), Linekin Neck. On loan of Jere Coosard.
Enrollments of Boothbay Harbor Democrats and Republicans.
Democrats 1912-1953; Democrats 1938-1952; Democrats blank. Republicans and Democrats 1912-1938; Republicans and Democrats 1938-1954. Loose lists of 1954 enrollments.
Box #16
Boothbay Harbor Roads, Bridges, and Sidewalks account book, 1891-1920. (88-10-82)
Boothbay Harbor Selectmen’s record book, 1911. 3956
Sprucewold Estates stock share book, 1920s.
1921 Harbor tax assessors’ list.
Box #17: SCHOOL
District #9 primary school record book,1895-1901. #72-4-1. From Carroll Gray
Boothbay Center high school curriculum and pupil standing, 1909-1932.
Valuation of school property, District #1, 1890.
Taxpayers’ rebate list.
School districts, 1894-1901, in Boothbay. Lists of students. (03-03-06)
1894 book of Boothbay taxpayers due rebates from obsolete school districts. (93-9-36)
Copy of Dover School records, 1862Ù1893.
Union 49, 1931-1950; Union 49, 1951-1961
1916 rank and attendance Damariscove school book (97-6-72). can’t find 2-04
School District #10 minutes book, 1862-1891, from Jim Greenleaf photocopy, 08-8-98
SEE box #3 for school district #5 1839.
E. Boothbay Tide Mill account book, 1912-1940
E. Boothbay Tide Mill account book, 1927-1930
E. Boothbay Tide Mill account book, 1939-1940
E. Boothbay Tide Mill account book, 1938-1940
E. Boothbay Tide Mill account book, 1941-1942
Caleb Hodgdon calendar
Box #19: East Boothbay
1877-1879 unidentified store account book.
Alfred Farnham Schooner Arrival account book, 1872-1883 (04-4-54). Freight from Portland.
1874 store account book of North Boothbay (Boothbay Center) by the names 98-11-69. Has to be Gilman P. Hodgdon’s. See Greene page 343.
Samuel Woodward cash book, 1854-1855 from Harpswell (04-12-188)
1931 Boothbay Excise tax Collector’s Book
In file called Vital Statistics is a list of people who traded at Wm. Kenniston’s store in 1837.
Fozena Dunton account book from Edward Dunton store, 1917-1918. (94-10-61)
James Dunton account book, 1902-1904. (94-10-62)
Edward S. Dunton business school notebook.
Walter Williams account book and copy, (96-4-46)
Willard Lewis cash book, 1870-1884.
Fred Higgins Lobster Co, 1905-1960 (00-12-64)
Cecil Pierce 1945 turnbuckle machine shop (01-6-62)
Recipe Book (95-4-17)
W. Parker Frey diary, 1910-1916 (04-5-88). Transcription in file F021C
Dr. Sprague Dentist Diary (94-1-1)
FRANK L. RICE Collection, loaned 1995, #95-10-52
includes account books standing on shelves
1913-1914 coal cash book
1914-1916 cash book
1915-1916 lumber cash book
1924-1935 coal account book
1933-1935 storage and repair account book
1940-1952 storage and repair account book
1953-1971 storage and repair account book
Below items, before box #22, loaned 1996, #96-9-76
Frank Rice Hardware Order (Day) Books,
April 12, 1930 to July 26, 1930
July 26, 1930 to Jan. 27, 1931
Jan. 28, 1931 to July 14, 1931
July 14, 1931 to March 1, 1932
Sept. 1, 1932 to June 15, 1933
Frank Rice letter box, 6/9/05 to 5/19/14, Invoices, tax bills, power bills.
Frank Rice letter box, 7/1917 to 1/28/21, Invoices, tax receipts 1916-1918, Letters.
Frank Rice letter box, 12/19 to 4/34, Invoices, Business correspondence
Frank Rice letter box, 7/22 to 6/36, Invoices, Business correspondence
Frank Rice letter box, 9/11/23 to 3/4/37 (mostly 1930 – 1937),Invoices, Letters, Order blank, Catalog
Frank Rice letter box, 11/46 to 11/48
Frank Rice letter box, Dec. 1950 to Oct. 1953
2/47 TO 1/49 Invoices, Bank Statements, Canceled checks
9/46 to 1/48, Invoices, Correspondence (Also John L. Gordon & Mrs. John L. Gordon)
Box #22 Collection, loaned 1996
Bills to customers, 1956-1965; letters from customers
catalogs; envelopes
Bank/financial records
Box #23 Collection, loaned 1995
1924-1926 coal account book
1928-1930 check stubs
1928-1930 lumber account book
1932-1933 check book
1931-1939 storage and repair account book
1933-1935 hardware store account book
Box #24 Collection, loaned 1996
July 1951-November 1960 sales tax forms, including customers’ invoices.
Box #25 Collection, loaned 1995
Documents, invoices, etc. Bray/Rumsey correspondence
1917 government bid blanks for whaleboats and ?
1933-1935 Deposit slips – First National Bank of Damariscotta
1935: Promissory note – F.L. Rice Lumber Co. to F.L. Rice
1912: Receipt – B. Wingate to Frank L. Rice
1912: Note of address of “H.M.” in Schenectady, N.Y.
1912: Calling card – Edward A. Hale of Underhay Oil Co.
1933 Operator’s license – Frank L. Rice
1933 Registration – 1930 Hudson – Frank L. Rice
Catalogue of marine sheaves
1934 Promissory note & Bernard M. Rice to Thomas E. Wheeler,$500-3months
1934 Promissory note & Bernard M. Rice to Thomas E. Wheeler, $500-20 days
Note – above two notes endorsed to the Lewiston Buick Thomas S. Wheeler.
Leather notebook -approx 3″ x 5″ filled with misc. accounts, receipts, bills, notes, cards, etc.
John Chisholm & Son “Favia” (Fabia) 1919-1920
Approximately 56 pages from account book marked “SAVE: GRG 1987”
Statement – March 20, 1920
Statement, March 20, 1920
Cr. Gloucester & Co.
Notes about 4 items for costs.
Note about material
Christmas card from Barlow’s Express
Courses of studies in the public schools of Boothbay and Boothbay Harbor, grades one to nine inclusive, guide for teachers.
Freight bills:
Barlow’s Express – 4/4/1935
WL Blake, shipper: pipes etc. 5/4/1935
Burgess Fobes: paint 5/4/1935
Eastern SS Lines: pressure cushion 5/11/1935
W.S. Jordan: cans of tar May 15, 1935
Emery Waterhouse: shovels, rakes, etc. 5/20/1935
W.L. Jordan: coils of rigging 5/20/1935
Jas. E. Shiers: Batteries 5/24/1935
Emery Waterhouse: paint & glass 5/29/1935
Hyde Windlass: 1 box 5/29/1935
Jas Shiers: l box acid 5/29/35
Brockway of ?? : door, sash etc. 5/29/1935
Thos. Laughlin: bell iron 5/1/1935
Boston Varnish Atlantic: 2 cartons 5/3/1935
More Frank L. Rice Collection
Boothbay Harbor Yacht Club dues – Aug. 1 1907-Aug. 1, 1908
Bath Garage Company Sales slip to Bernard Rice for coupe, April 20, 1929
Information on coupe above.
State of Maine certificate of registration 1935 Ford truck, March 1, 1935 to Frank L. Rice
State of Maine receipt for excise tax on Ford truck 1936.
Leatherbound notebook 1906 gasoline sales.
Receipt – names included Dr. L? Miner, John H Grady
Pilot rules for certain inland waters of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts and of the coast of the Guolf of Mexico, March 1, 1924 (2 copies)
Boats bought of S. F. Thompson Jan. 1, 1912
Envelope containing handwriten form with boat equipment S.F. Thompson boat builder and repairer- receipt for motor boat value and renting for season 1909. S.F. Thompson renting for 1911 (3 pages) S. F. Thompson receipt from F.:L. Rice Jan. 1, 1912. Note on boat receipt.
Note: rental boars sold by Steve Thompson to F.L. Rice envelope containing war excise tax receipts. Pleasure boats.
#1875 – June 30, 1918 – motor boat
#1977 – June 30, 1918 – motor boat “Delta”
#1878 – June 30, 1919 – motor boat “White Wings”
#1876 – June 30, 1918 – motorboat
#1879 – June 30, 1918 – motor boat “Oriole”
#1882 – June 30, 1918 – motor boat “Leon”
#1881 – June 30, 1918 – motor boat “Nod”
#1880 – June 30, 1918 – motor boat stamped exempt.
Directions for tax on boats for July 1, 1918 (mimeographed sheet)
List of boats (with above)
4 sheets of bills and assets probably Frank L. Rice estate
Eastern Steamship Company receipt for freight charge 7/5/1916 – amount $45
More Frank L. Rice Collection (A)
1930 – Bill for mortgage interest from C.R. Tupper – $60
1931 – Bill for mortgage interest from C.R. Tupper – $60
1932 – Receipt for mortgage interest from C.R. Tupper – $60
1914 – Bill – Boothbay Harbor Light & Power to F.L. Rice
1914 – Bill – Boothbay Harbor Light & Power to F.L. Rice
1919 – Bill Lincoln County Power Co.
1920 – Bill Lincoln County Power Co.
1919 – Bill Lincoln County Power Co.
1920 – Bill Lincoln County Power Co.
1925 Recommendation for Colspar Varnish on Schooner Bowdoin nu Howard B. Thompson Southport, ME.
1913 16 invoices for Freight-Eastern Steamship to Frank Rice.
1932 Invoice to Evander Gamage from Frank L. Rice
1931 Letter Harvey Gamage to F.L. Rice – order for material.
1931 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” “
1931 ” ” ” ” ” ” forwarding $200 check.
1933 Letter Woodman, Shelton, Thompson & Chapman, Attys, to F.L. Rice Lumber Col re bankruptcy of Harvey Gamage.
1934 National Recovery Administration Code of Fair Competition for the Boatbuilding Industry.
1929 Correspondence – Bureau of Navigation re pleasure boat “Butte” – F.L. Rice.
1929 Notes re Garwood Sports Runabout – owned by Olin Potter Geer, N.Y.C. “Run” from Wiscasset to Boothbay by Bernard Rice.
1930 Letter – Garwood Inc. re “cooperation”
1930 ” ” ” re “Water to Water Trans. Ins.”
More Frank L. Rice Collection (B)
1933 – Correspondence Harold W. Bishop Insurance
1934 Notice of Insurance Harold W. Bishop
1915 Invoice Harold W. Bishop
1919 Invoice of insurance Harold W. Bishop Insurance
1917 Invoice of insurance Harold W. Bishop Insurance
1933 Invoice of insurance Harold W. Bishop Insurance
1933 Invoice of insurance Harold W. Bishop Insurance
1933 Invoice of insurance Harold W. Bishop Insurance
1933 Woodworking machine catalogs American Saw Mill Machinery Co.
1918 Payrolls for Beam Trawler for John Chisholm & Son
1916 Invoice G.W. Haggett
1917 Invoice Chas. B. Dolloff Co.
1914 Invoice Clarence F. Hale
1914 Invoice C. Tyler Hodgdon
1914 Invoice C. Tyler Hodgdon
1916 Invoice C. Tyler Hodgdon
1932-33 Correspondence G. Ellsworth Huggins re boat storage and repair.
1933 Correspondence & catalogs Walter HJ. Moreton Corp. re Kermath Engines
1933 Fraternal organizations receipts –
Knights of the Maccabees of the World
Masonic Protective Associates
Improved Order of Red Men
Boothbay Harbor Yacht Club
1915 Invoice – A.O. McDougall
1926 Same
1932 Correspondence Sumner McFarland
1915 Invoice Y.K. Montgomery (probably Victor)
1917 Same
1916 Invoice C.S. Page for 1915 Chandler 7 passenger touring car
InvoiceMotor Service Station )
1939 Correspondence – Harold Mott-Smith Jr. re storage & repair of cruiser
1915-16 Invoice & receipts – Pierce & Hartung
1931 Invoices – Perkins & Stevens C þ
1930 – Invoice Matt Harris to R. A. Scott Co. re purchase of Chris-Craft runabout “Chantarette”
1916 Invoice – Rice Brothers Co.
1935 Correspondence O. W. Tapley re taxes on boat “Silver Spray” May 6, 1935 & Aug. 5,1935
1918 Order for oil & grease – Standard Oil Co. of N.Y.
1911 Correspondence Neptune Packing Co. re new boat “The Rudder” – publication of lines & description of 70′ boat for Neptune
1911 Correspondence partial payment boat named “Trident”
l911 Portland Yacht Service correspondence re formulation of North Atlantic Division Code Authority
Box #26 Collection
Governmental transactions
Bills to Rice
Check deposits
Box #27 Collection
Sales tax forms, 1960s
W. & J. Tiebout, NYC
Wilcox Crittenden & Co.
Leterstone Sales Co., Chicago
Gray Marine Motor Co.
Howe & Bainbridge, Boston
H.A. Stiles & Co., Boston
Binghamton Flexible Shaft Co.
Franklin Fitts Mfg. & Supply Co., Boston
W.A. Jones Foundry &Machine Co.
Chase Turner Mfg. Co.
American Chain Link Fence Co.
James E. Speirs Co.
United Spring Co.
Kerfmath Marine Engines
Autopulse Corp.
Giulio Rinaldo Ranzi
McDonnell Borer Controls
Oscar Smith & Sons
Marine Agency Corp.
Waterproof Paint & Varnish
Campbell Fiber Co.
Marson Bros.
Peacard Heating Supply Co.
Howe & Bainbridge (2)
Perkins Marine Paint
Burgess Forbes Co.
Samuel J. Shimer & Sons
Simonds Saw & Steel Co.
Lumber Mutual Fire Ins. Co. (2)
Specialty Engineering Co.
Small catalogs
Augusta Lumber Co..
CabotÌs Creosote Stains
Samuel Cabot Inc.
Waterproof Paint and Varnish Co.
Reynolds Wire Co.
T.F. Russell & Co.
Wilcox, Crittenden & Co. Inc.
B. & S. Cable Co.
Brockway -Smith – Haigh – Lovell Co.
R.M. Haddock – Naval Architect
Brown-Wales Co.
Superior Slate Co.
Kilborn – Saver Co.
Standard Products Co.
A.B. Sands & Son Co.
Seaboard Plumbing Specialty Corp.
The Snow and Petrelli Mfg. Co.
Frank Alley – Coll. # 96-3-38
Account book, 1901-1904.
1904 Ledger of Accounts with Frank Alley 1904 through May 1924
Loose in the book: address slips of paper; one for J.B. Lewis, Boston; one for Wm. Simmons, Jacksonville, Fla.
Business Material
1917 poll tax form
1. Promotional material from Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co. to Frank Alley July 1923.
2. Health certificates to Frank Alley food for 6 months (undated); two health certificates dated 1924, 1925.
3. Unused order blank & envelope from Sears Roebuck and Co.
4. Promotional ad from Nobby Cap Co., St. Louis, Mo. Feb. 1929.
5. Advertising literature for subscription to N.E. Grocer & Tradesman mailed to Frank Alley, May 1930.
6. Letter to Frank W. Alley, Linekin, Me., from Chas. Chapman, Treas. East Boothbay Dated May 29, 1929. Receipt for tax paid (real estate and personal) to Town of Boothbay.
7. Letter promoting Trade Paper “New England Grocer and Tradesman” sent to Frank Alley Aug. 29, 1930.
Family Material
1. Letter from customs collector in Boothbay Harbor sending award of number for undocumented motor vessel to F.W. Alley June 8, 1923.
2. Hunters and fisherman certificate from town clerk, 1923, State of Maine. # 8454 accompanied by a letter of instruction about signing it.
3. Letter from Robert Alley at Fort Preble to Frank Alley Oct l929.
4. Letter from Robert Alley at Fort Preble to Frank Alley May 1929.
5. Brown paper penciled note from Robert Alley to Frank Alley to let him know he is okay.
6. Empty envelope to Frank Alley dated July 23, 1929.
7. Letter from Robert Alley to Frank Alley May 31, 1929. Sent father $5 and saying he and a friend would be visiting soon.
8. Letter from Robert Alley Feb. 1, 1930, at Fort Preble, to Frank alley. Asks for $2 for smokes.
9. Note of Receipt to Frank Alley from John P. Kelley, Coll. Sept. 24, 1929, on account of water vill.
10. Bill from Boothbay Harbor Water System to Frank Alley dated July 1, 1928.
11. Penciled notice of rent due on store to May 1 plus due notice of June, July, Aug. rents.
12. Bill of sale for boat sale (boat built by Gifford Gamage) from Forrest Alley to Frank Alley from the office of C.R. Tupper Dec. 1949.
13. Letter to Frank Alley Sept. 29, 1929 from son Robert Alley (8th Infantry) describes hiking in N.H., Vt. Hiked all night.
14. Letter to Frank Alley from Robert Alley, June 20, 1929, at Fort Preble.
15. Christmas card Dec. 1929 from John Poore to Frank Alley.
15. Letter to Frank W. Alley from son Robert E. Alley at Fort Preble in So. Portland. Letterhead of Eighth Coast Artillery. Undated, typed. Describes his daily life at Fort – trip to Bath, postmarked March 19 – no year.
16. Letter to Frank Alley from son Roland on Damariscove, letter dated Feb. 6, 1930. Roland was stationed on Damariscove (Coast Guard).
17. Letter to Frank Alley from son Robert in S. Portland at Fort Preble with 8th Coast Artillery, a Private First Class, studying engines. Expects to visit soon. Envelope date is May 13, 1930. Wants the visit to be a surprise to others.
18. Letter to Frank Alley from son Robert at Fort Preble, Aug. 4, 1030. Needs to borrow $5 until pay day Aug. 31.
Caretaker Material
1. Short note from B. K. Stephenson to Frank Alley about arrival and changes to be finished. No date.
2. Letter from George E. Macomber to Frank Alley, May 23, 1930, letting him know there is no likelihood of his buying the Bowditch property formerly owned by J.W. Harlow.
3. Letter to Frank W. Alley, Linekin, Maine, Oct. 22, 1929, from Barton K. Stephenson Aetna Ins. Milk St., Boston, Mass. Personal letter Barton Stephenson requesting that particular clothes be sent to him.
4. Letter of memorandum to Frank Alley from Wm. Jackson in NYC Dated 7/21/30, pertains to work done for him.
5. Letter from B.K. Stephenson dated Oct. 9, 1928, to Frank Alley instructing him to start kitchen stove prior to arrival. Typed on Aetna Insurance Co. stationery, Boston, Mass. Stamped envelope addressed to Barton K. Stephenson, Aetna Life Insurance Co., Boston, Mass.
6. Letter from Barton Stephenson to Frank Alley 5/22/29 asking for a reply confirming that water is turned on.
Items with no prefix letter (left in book):
1. Calling card from Edward F. Jones, spec. agent for Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co., Worcester.
2. Pocket calendar for 1920.
3. Unused Christmas card.
4. Scrap of paper noting balance of $8 on potatoes – Charles Doe, E. Edgecomb.
5. Receipted bill to F. W. Alley from R.B. Giles.
6. C.H. Lewis, Boston, Mass., calling card.
7. 2 paper scraps, one with address of O.C. Elwell, Portland and one about a telegram message (unsigned).
8. Small printed Christmas message from “Lucy” to?
9. Paid receipt to F. Alley from Rines Bros. Portland 8/25/25.
10. Newspaper ad for 3 tube radio, postcard ad for Palmolive soap.
11.Address for F.W. Blair, Lexington Ave., NYC
12. 2 scraps of paper, one for C.T. Hodgdon purchases.
13. Unused envelope for National Cloak & Suit Co.
14. Address card for Wm. Jackson in NYC
15. Small notebook of F.W. Alley of account of Charles Poor with Alley’s grocery, 1909.
Also 99-3-18: items from the store donated by Robert Holbrook; can labels, etc.
Deed of Frank Alley to Cyrus Tupper, 1910, lot and old school house. 330:230
Miriam McKown Collection Coll.# 96-3-36
Bayville post office 1930 money order register, 97-3-27.
Shackleton 1948 greenhouse calendar.
Two income tax returns, one for 1942, one for 1943. Form of computation of estimated income and Victory Tax for 1943. Two statements of income taxes withheld from George Smith wages at Goudy & Stevens in calendar year 1943. Bill from Hodgdon Bros. to George Smith, May 27, 1943. Penciled list of tools with prices. All items are in Treas. Dept. envelope.
Envelope containing a certificate from B. Frank Scholl, M.D. A blank for filling out symptoms of children’s illnesses. Small printed message by Church & Co. for treatment of colds. Booklet of instructions for guidance of subscribers to Library of Health. Two blanks for symptoms, one for women, one for men from B. Frank Scholl M.D.
Postcard to Mr. and Mrs. George Smith in Portland from George and Naomi. Picture is black and while sketch of a cove by Gene Klebe.
Letter to Mrs. George M. Smith, March 6, 1930, from V. Swett in Portland inquiring about purchasing a model of a lobster trap. Written reply is on the back of the letter. Incomplete model of the trap accompanies the trap.
Wedding announcement sent to Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, East Boothbay, and forwarded to Oakview Apts. Portland. Marriage is of Jayne Cordiner to Eugene Girdwood, Dec. 28, 1950.
Christmas greetings, invitation to organ music, 1954 pocket calendar from National Bank of Commerce, Portland, Me. to Mr. and Mrs. George M. Smith.
Property insurance policy and bill from J. Edward Knight & Col dated 7/25/51 – Aetna Insurance Co.
Christmas card, unsigned to Mr. and Mrs. George Smith in Portland, Me. Mailed from Freeport, Me. 12/18/53.
Wedding announcement of marriage of Ruth Hodgkiss to Dr. Alonzo Tredwell, Oct. 15, 1923, Boston, Mass., Sent to Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, Linekin, Maine.
Letter from Harold Clifford, Supt. of Schools, Jan. 3, 1951, to George Smith “somewhere in Portland,” asking if he will sell to the town “your lot and buildings adjacent to the school grounds.” Enclosed is a return envelope to Supt. of Schools, Boothbay Harbor, Me.
Letter to George Smith from First Methodist Church, Boothbay Harbor, July 10, 1951. Typed from Bldg. Fund Committee, Delmont Tilton, Treas. Rev. Forrest Towle is minister. Tell of total destruction of their church the previous winter. Describes plans to rebuild and is requesting a donation.
V-Mail letters to Mrs. George Smith posted Nov. 20, 1944 and Nov. 22, 1944, from Joseph McKown, APO NY.
Letter to George M. Smith from Dr. Edward M. Cook Jr., resident in medicine at Maine General Hospital, Portland, 11/9/1949, an autopsy report on G. Smith’s uncle William Smith.
Letter from P.M. Olin Kennebec Green houses, July 5, 1927, to George Smith inquiring about a shipment of sweet peas.
Letter to Mr. and Mrs. George Smith in East Boothbay from the Norton family in Yuma, Ariz, posted 12/13/1944. A Christmas time letter of family activities to old friends.
Letter from William Cameron on Monhegan Island to George Smith asking for his help in identifying the owner or owners of property at foot of Hornes (?) Hill – presumably on Monhegan, dated 7/28/1946.
Letter dated March 13, 1929 from B. W. Hess for the mgr. of National Mutual Church Insurance Co. of Chicago, Ill. to Treasurer George M. Smith of Trustees, Methodist Episcopal Church in East Boothbay. Subject was the terms of insurance for the church.
Recipe for mince meat. Written on Clinton Hotel, Springfield, Mass., stationery.
Typed drama for short play (4 scenes) probably for Linekin Church.
Five valentines in large envelope.
A lavendar and lace handkerchief by Avon – unused.
A Christmas booklet “Merry Christmas from Boston” written by Frances Lester Warner – copyright 1922. Sent to “The Barkers” from the Bakers.
A Barlow Christmas card – photo of Shirley.
Promotional material to George Smith from Real Estate and Building Journal.
Blotter advertising E. M. Vannah, East Boothbay, Maine. Used blotter. Advertises shoe sales in merchant memorabilia.
Order blank and envelope of the Tradewell, N.Y.
In church file for Linekin Church, E. Boothbay, paid receipts (3) from Central Maine Power. One paid bill from Latter’s Seashore Greenhouse in Boothbay Harbor, Oct. 29, 1929, to Linekin church. Bill from Alfred Dodge, contractor and builder, March 29, 1929 to Linekin Church for building and painting church steps. Paid by Mrs. George Smith. Two papers of record of Sunday School collections for 1928 and 1929. Signed by Hattie Holbrook. Receipted Central Maine Power Col. bills for George Smith.
Paid receipts from Hotel Graymore, Portland, Me., to George Smith covering dates Oct. through Dec. 1946.
Notice from Sears Roebuck and Co. stating 13 cents owed, Sears Roebuck blank order sheet.
January 1930 calendar sheet.
Booklet Christmas Plants and Flowers from Bruce and Gladys Knight.
Poem “Hurrah for Old New England.”
Booklet the Parmenter Story – life of Jonathan Parmenter.
Boothbay Register Dec. 30, 1976 – Centennial Issue – (in with the Register collection).
East Boothbay Methodist Episcopal Church, Order of Service, pamphlet of How to Tithe, program (mimeographed). (in church files.)
Club member purchasing card and catalogue, includes a members list of articles ordered, in a folder.
A Yachtsman’s and Fisherman’s Guide to the Boothbay Region 1978. Carts and Navigational data. (in book collection).
Blotter (used) with ad for Shoe sales at E. M. Vannah, East Boothbay (in merchant memorabilia.)
Poster of Capt. Kelley’s “Magnum River Queen” (with posters).
Box #29
Permits and Notices, town of Boothbay Harbor,1889-1903 (96-11-105). Gift of Alton Swett.
West Harbor postmaster’s record and account book, 1905-1907, by W. H. Reed and Charles T. Orne
#98-10-53. Gift of Raymond Orne
Storm warnings log from weather tower, signal station, Fishers Hill; from Pam Thiboutot (00-10-44)
Bennett account book, Camp Peric meeting minutes (art school) 03-06-36
Cash books: 1921, 1922, 1923, 1928-1936, 1937-1945
Lawyers docket: 1923-1928, 1928-1936
Business cash book. 1929-1940
Rose garden diary, 1959-1966
Asa’s typed copy of his Will T. Marr article
C. R. TUPPER business cash book, 1910-1924
C. R. Tupper personal cash book, 1943-1944
Wm. R Chapman’s Festival Music Book, 1906
Almanacs 1849, 1853
Diaries 1864, 1867, 1871, 1872, 1874-1889
Box #33: Jean Durfee & Annie Childs Diaries 1920s-2000s
#09-8-29 — in closet in room 6
W. E. (Billy) Sawyer ran a hardware & supply store near where Tugboat Inn is now. The building is now a ???. He also had an iceworks on the east side of Southport. The pond is now the town reservoir. The icehouse which was at Pine Cliff burned in ???? Mainly his ice was sold to fishermen rather than being shipped out. He was a wrecking commissioner who acquired old vessels for the purpose of stripping them of their saleable parts for scrap. After stripping them in the Harbor near his business, he towed them to Elwell’s Cove in Mill Cove where he would burn them to extract the metal. One such vessel was the Gold Hunter, pictured in the Fuller 1927 movie. One of Sawyer’s buildings near Tugboat was dismantled and rebuilt at Barters Is. by Chet Rittall.
The Mary Weaver sailed into Mill Cove under her own power but was leaking badly. The idea, according to Carroll Gray, was to sink her in the mud so the mud would work its way into her seams & caulk her. Whatever the plans for her had been, they didn’t work. She was one which Billy Sawyer acquired & stripped. She was an attraction in the Cove and all were sorry when a WPA project had her taken apart. Elbridge Giles was in charge and he spent all one winter lugging her in pieces to his house.
The ledgers were given to Cecil Pierce for the Historical Society by Ed Baker whose uncle had bought the Sawyer place & found them there.
W.E. Sawyer ledger, 1870-1902 #BS1
Sales to individuals and vessels; sales to East Boothbay pogie factories.
W.E. Sawyer account book 1903 #BS2
Hardware to individuals and vessels. Loose papers in book: 1918 Gold Hunter (Capt. Adams) invoice; 1921 McIntire; 1906 W. T. Marr; many Sawyer invoices, checks, receipts; Will Barter; 1918 Dunton; 1919 Water; 1919 Sherman Stable; J. W. Giles milk 1918; 1917 Mayo; 1918 J. H. Lake.
W.E. Sawyer account book, 1907-1909 #BS3
Groceries & hardware to individuals, schooners,and scows.
W.E. Sawyer daybook, 1909-1910 #BS4
Groceries & hardware. Steamer Shark.
W.E. Sawyer order book, 1910-1911 #BS5
Groceries and hardware. Loose papers in book: Shark 1911, 1911 E. C. Merry, 1909 sale of MCRR Sebenoa, 1921 Edwards & Walker, 1929 C. T. Hodgdon, 1916 Kendall & Whitney, 1916 Thurston, 1925 Aug, Grad. & B. steamship, 1918 Miller dairy, 1918 phone bills, 1916 Perkins store, 1916 W. T. Marr, 1913 Capt. Nye re “fixing” bill, 1907 Sidney Barter, 1916 J. W. Giles, old Arm & Hammer flyer, 1919 Ingraham & Harris, 1915 box rent, 1917 C. G. Hodgdon ice, many Pierce & Hartung, 1918 H. F. Sawyer, Southport tax bill, 1921 Haggett, 1918 Power Co., 1912 Robinson, 1912 May Archer, 1925 Portland Boothbay Transport Co., 1909 water agreement with Pine Cliff, 1918 Spofford Ice.
W.E. Sawyer order book, 1911 #BS6
Hardware and groceries.
W.E. Sawyer order book, 1912 #BS7
Hardware, groceries and ice sawdusting times.
W.E. Sawyer order book, 1921-1922 #BS11
Groceries & hardware. Bowdoin
W.E. sawyer account book, 1922 #BS13
Hardware and groceries to individuals, towns, schools, schooners, shipyards, steamers. Last 2 pages ice accts. 1 ton cost $2.50. Invoices loose in book: Perkins store, B. M. Giles, H. T. Thurston, Fossa, Bennet, W. G. Blake, Crowell & Thurlow (Boston), Dunton, Hussey, Patten, Guss Tibbetts, W. Pinkham, Howe & Bainbridge (Boston), Hagget, Oakes, Hume, C. F. Dodge, Cutts, E. L. Giles, C. Tupper & McKown rent ice pond winter of 1917, B. A. Blake, W. E. Brown. Howe & Bainbridge were paid a 10 cent per ton commission on ice.
W.E. Sawyer order book, 1913-1914 #BS8
Hardware and groceries. 1913 steamer Shark.
W.E. Sawyer order book, 1915 #BS9
Groceries and hardware to vessels and individuals. In book 1913 Grove Hall Dairy; 1915 P. S. Patten gas bills; 1914 order to pay; 1915 W. H. Hodgdon; 1916 proposal supplyGannet for Dept. of Commerce; 1912 H. W. Bishop commodities; 1912 E. L. Giles; 1912 M. A. Perkins; 1912 Hannaford; 1911 J. E. Knight; 1911 Holton plumbing; 1912 Marr clothing.
W.E. Sawyer order book, 1915-1917 #BS10
Groceries and hardware; 1916 ice accounts. In book: Pierce & Hartung; Portland City Scales; Fairbanks Scales; E. Gamage letter re debt; ice notes; Low & Phinney; Sawyer; Lovett fish (Ptlnd); Dolloff & Dunton; phone; Perkins & McKown; Ist Nat. Bank; Chas. Barnes (Edgecomb); L. P. Orne; Irving Reed; Seaside Lodge; Thurston; Widgery’s Wharf (Ptlnd).s
W.E. Sawyer account book, 1925 #BS12
Ice accounts. Lists of vessels and who loaded them with ice. Loose papers with employees hours. 11 Harris Co. invoices; 14 Hannaford Bros. invoices.
Box #38
Box #39: Kenniston & Reed Diaries, etc., 1870s-1917
Annie J. B. Kenniston
Diaries 1893, 1917, 1918
Scrapbook – newspaper cuttings – 1874 (continued by Elizabeth Reed)
(Annie Blair) Diary 1883
Wiliam Kenniston long 1850 letter from California
William B. Kennistion copy of medical diary in Yarmouth, Me. , 1897-1917, 03-08-40. Gift of Chris Cirker
Fullerton P. Reed
Autograph books 1881, 1893
Diary 1882, 1885, 1886, 1888
Kate L. Reed
Autograph book 1879
Records Mt Holyoke Class of 1895
Class book Sept. 1, 1891
New crown notebook – scrapbook – 1899
Ethel May Kenniston
Elizabeth Blair Reed
Diary 1858; 1870 Book of Common Prayer
Box #40: Elizabeth F. Reed Diaries, etc., 1888-1920s
1888 Autograph book
Diaries 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1905, 1907-1912, 1924, 1927-1929, 1931, 1935-1938
Diary 1914 – mostly addresses
Plan and Progress Feb. – June 1911
My trip abroad 1925
Scrapbook 1926-1931
Box #41: Elizabeth F. Reed Diaries, etc., 1920s-1940s
ERA 1A Scrapbook 1926
Address book 1930
Green Daily Aide – Diary 1949
Diaries 1941, 1942, 1950
Scrapbook 1941
Note mailed Jan. 6, 1946 to Elizabeth Reed
Box #42: Ethelyn P. Giles, Inc. Realtors Collection
Promotional material
Box with pictorial wallet-sized calendars – advertising Ethelyn P. Giles, Inc. Realtors
25 of each of the following years: 1978, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996.
Additionally 1965(1), 1974(3), 1975(9), 1979(3), 1981(2), 1982(2), 1985(1), 1986(10), 1987(19), 1994 (8), 1997(3), 1998(3)
Group stamped Ethelyn P. Giles, Inc. Realtors pictures of properties
Group unstamped, but appear to be properties handled by EPG Realtors
Group of postcards marked with EPG Inc Realtors
Group of colored snapshots Ethelyn P. Giles Inc Realtors office building and nearby buildings January 1996
Three copies pictorial maps of Boothbay Region area
Cottage properties unmarked EPG Inc.
1 med. black and white interior view of owner’s cabin
5 smallish cottage/houses
1 black and white log cabin porch view – Jewett-Smith
1 small cottage/woods – Hamilton
6 candids cottage/woods/view marked Dysart on one end – 705 on all
9 candids cottage/woods/view marked Patton and 752
Cottage properties marked EPG Inc.
1 candids #752 marked EPG Inc (Patton)
1 candid #155 marked EPG Inc. and Pine Cliff Float
1 candid #148 marked EPG Inc. and view from Jewett-Smith
About Properties
2 folders of info on Overlook, Boothbay
3 folders of Oak Point exclusive
3 folders of Maine “The Land of Remembered Vacations” Boothbay Harbor Region exclusive
1 xeroxed copy Residential Sales, Rentals
2 copies originals Real Estate Ethelyn P. Giles, Inc. – Residential Sales Rentals Appraisals
Business Cards
1 – Phyllis Cook, Realtor
1 – Kitty Huntley, GRI
2 Boothbay Region maps on paper
1 Boothbay Region maps photographic & harbor picture
Silver Trophy plate with hanger marked 25th Windjammer Days 1987. Most Historical Host won by Ethelyn P. Giles, Inc. Realtor
3 acknowledgement postcards for advertisement in Maine Real Estate Properties 1973-1974-1975 from State of Maine Publicity Bureau
1 postcard from above group requesting additional advertising materials
1 acknowledgement postcard for advertising in Down East Magazine 1974
1 flyer black and white house advertisement Jan 74 EPG Inc.
1 acknowledgement for membership and ad in Boothbay Harbor Region Chamber of Commerce Dec 19, 1971
1 copy rate schedule Down East Magazine 6/1/1973
1 copy resort advertising New York Times (no year date)
1 copy rad holder (1), Keep a Spare Holder (3), Key ring and red plastic flashlight, magnets(5) , matchfolders (35), pens (3), trash bags for car (3), windshield scrapers (2).
3 boxes legal seals, – all souvenir items stored in it.
Items from scrapbook
Box #44: Francis B. Greene Collection TO BE DISCONTINUED
Scrapbook of family and friends, mostly obits. Principally Kenniston and Greene, but also (locally) McCormick and Woodward. Mostly between 1900-1930. Pics and text about prior homes. 99-12-74.
Scrapbook of 1934-1941 news clipping from the Boothbay Register. 99-12-75.
Folder of items that were in discontinued F046, relating to publishing of Greene’s history.; material on churches he compiled to work on book, copyright documents
His will.Promotional brochures for his books.
Box #45: Boothbay Region Merchants Association (00-4-18)
Three-ring binder of 1991-1994 business. Gift of Kathy Overkamp
Box #46: Jim Waugh Collection 00-11-55
In business 1956-1990
Pamphlets he printed in #46
Annual Reports
Westport, Maine – 1973
Lincoln County, Maine – 1974
Westport, Maine – 1975
County of Lincoln, Maine – 1976
Philadelphia Divinity School 1857-1957 – Centennial History
Congregational Church of Boothbay Harbor, Summer 1986 – Directory of Members and Friends (2 copies)
First United Methodist Church, Boothbay Harbor, Maine 1879-1979 Centennial Year (2 copies)
Southport United Methodist Church 1830 – 1980 – one hundred fiftieth year
Maine-ly Pine Country Store, Wiscasset, Maine
10 cents/1965 – 2 copies; 1966, 1967-68 2 copies
15 cents/1964 – 3 copies, n.d. 2 copies
Saltwater Farm, Damariscotta, Maine Catalogue 1965-66 – 2 copies
Conley Tree eSurgeons and Harbor Nurseries, Boothbay Harbor, Maine and catalogues 1962 copy, 1963 3 copies
Northstar Tours – 2 songbooks – “Swingin’ and singin’ with the Northstars” and “We love to go a wanderin'”, n.d.
“The Sea Cook,” Wiscasset, Maine n.d.
“Favorite Recipes” – Congregational Church, North Edgecomb, Maine n.d.
Family History
“Go West, Young Man, Go West” by Leona Lowell Spicer, Family history in Cando, North Dakota, Turn of the Century 1887 – 1904, printed 1979
“The Reach Road and Other Lightly-Traveled Roads,” Edwin D. Merry 1973
Story Booklets by Owen Rice
“Little-Red-House” Bible Handbook 1946
“Wild Animals I Have Known” 1947
Poetry books by Spaulding and Stranahan and Colcord
“Prominent Personalities in the Maine Federation of Women’s Clubs” 1962
“Services for You” A Directory of Resources Available to Residents in School Unions Nos. 48, 49, 74 n.d.
The Maine Annual Vol. Two – “You and Your Job in Maine” – Harold B. Clifford 1964
Box #47: Jim Waugh Collection 00-11-55
NEEDS TO BE LISTED Mainly mock-ups of promotional items, billheads, notepaper, etc. that he printed in the following boxes.
Box #48: Jim Waugh Collection 00-11-55
Box #49: Jim Waugh Collection 00-11-55
Box #50: Jim Waugh Collection 00-11-55
NEEDS TO BE LISTED oversized envelope
Early 1900s photo album of Alvin Dodd, mostly Spruce Point but other areas too
Bess Reed scrapbook 01-6-66, old greeting cards, Christmas, etc.
Box #52: Clipping Scrapbooks
Scrapbooks of Boothbay region doings
Alta Amero scrapbooks: Five with clippings of local doings, circa 1960s (78-5-1)
Francis Greene clippings from 1933-1941 (99-12-75)
Box #53: ENTERPRISE Logs
Logs from the steamer Enterprise, Alfred Race captain. (01-4-50)
Gift of Justin Smith. Accession card has additional info about date range in each log
25 altogether, 1893-1911 and some unidentified, so perhaps some after 1911.
Logs run all or part of year or more than two years
Cashbook 1893-1894
Dictionary, 1931
Box #54: Boothbay Voter and Juror Lists
1831, 1834, 1835, 1838 (2), 1841, 1842 (2), 1844, 1848, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1862 (2), 1863, 1864, 1865 (2), 1866. (2 undated)
Box #55: Granville Seavey Collection-Hagan
Sailplan book, 1860s to 1890s (92-10-36) given by Andersens
Notebook (01-11-102) from Nat Wilson
Material picked up around sailloft by Nat Wilson (02-01-4) in mid-1990s before it was torn down:
-scanned pictures, 2 views taken before demolition in 1990s(?)
-4 assorted bits of paper with items, figures, sizes, amounts
-1 trade card Thomas ____aughlin & Son Tackle Blocks Ptld
-2 small envelopes addressed to Seavey, one postmarked ’98 (1898)
-scanned note Portland Feb. 28/88, To Mr. Seavey from A.J. Kennealy, paying $30 and ordering a “stesail”
-note from J. Baker & Co. July 31, 1888 to Mr. G.J. Seavey requiring payment of bill, plus scanned copy
-Teacher’s Book
3 business cards: Walter H. Moreton Corp., W.H. and Webster Jones Co., J.W. Hammond & Co.
-bill July 9, 1884, Mrs. Seavey bought of I.C. Sherman (in pieces) plus envelope
-grommet rings & _____Thimbles Twine list of – paid Granville Seavey
-promotional materials (tattered)
-Gray Manufacturing promotional materials
Selig stationery, from Nat Wilson
Hagan Collection. #07-3-21
Probably came from Shackletons? In Attic a long time.Brought down 2006.
Fred Hagan, 1867-1936. Son Harold maybe drew?
Drawings: Peggy Voight house architectural drawings.Assorted mechanical drawings.
Boat Sketches. Assorted lessons from Correspondence School.
Box #56: Water District Account Books, 1915-1985
1) Jan. – Dec., 1915
“Water System Cash Book”
Listing of monthly cash receipts from customers of Boothbay Harbor water system, January-
December 1915; includes certification by Town Auditor, James B. Pinkham, of total
annual receipt of $18,330.70.
2) November 7, 1916.
Inventory and Revaluation as of November 7th, 1916 of Boothbay Harbor Water System as
Ordered by the Public Utilities of the State of Maine.
Inventory of all property, including land, works and stating structures, steam power
pumping equipment, reservoirs and standpipes, distribution mains, meters, hydrants,
general office equipment, and intangible properties; methodology for valuation
described; includes sample ballot for Referendum re. Control of Maine public utilities
as per a described Act of the Maine Legislature, dated September 14, 1914.
3) August 1917 – December 1980
Notes (Loans) Payable Book (“Payable”)
Listing of all Notes Payable re Boothbay Harbor Water System to financial institutions
and individuals, including payee, duration, amount, and loan status; includes separate
typewritten list of notes payable semi-annually 1/17/67 – 1/17/78, totalling $81,550 and
copy of $5200 note payable to Depositors Trust Company, dated Jan. 17, 1963.
4) July 24, 1931 – Dec. 29, 1934
Minutes of Meetings of Boothbay Harbor Water Commissioners, dated July 24, 1931 –
Dec. 29, 1934 (“Records 1931-1934”)
5) Jan. 8, 1935 – July 12, 1938
Minutes of Meetings of Boothbay Harbor Water Commissioners, dated Jan. 8, 1935 –
July 12, 1938 (“Records Meeting of Water Commissioners”)
6) July 26, 1938 – April 12, 1949
Minutes of Meeting of boothbay Harbor Water Commissioners, dated July 26, 1938 –
April 12, 1949 (“Water-Board-Notes”)
Describes action taken at the listed meetings of Boothbay Harbor Water Commissioners,
typically prepared and signed by Clerk; members present and voting not recorded.
7) Jan. 23, 1970 – Dec. 31, 1985.
Accounts Receivable and payable Journal (“Record”) of Boothbay Harbor Water System
Listing of amounts owed by customers re water service, repairs, etc. from January 23, 1970 –
December 31, 1985.
Box #57: Downs Art School Scrapbooks
Two scrapbooks (one loose leaf) of 1910s photos with captions and memorabilia of the Commonwealth Art Colony. 02-06-49.
Mostly 1913, 1915-1916.
Box #58: Scrapbooks, LOCATED in room 5
World War II scrapbook of Eliz. Archer (placed on shelf), 02-06-57, from Sarah Giles
Marc T. Greene scrapbooks of articles he wrote and travels; World War II. 02-03-29, etc.
Mary Elizabeth Watson Simpson Pinkham cookbook (01-5-61)
Box #59A: Linc Sample Collection
On loan from him. Photos and captions by Robert Rice, given to Linc. 02-01-03
Herb Douglas photos, 1941-1958, in four binders
Box #59B: Linc Sample Collection
On loan from him. Photos and captions by Robert Rice, given to Linc. 02-01-03
Herb Douglas photos, 1941-1958, in four binders
Box #60
Box #61: Dunton’s Store
On the east side. From Chuck Sprague, son of Fozena Dunton Sprague.
03-03-10a: Feb. 1889 – May 1895
03-03-10b, 1889 – 1895
Box #62: Dunton’s Store
On the east side. From Chuck Sprague, son of Fozena Dunton Sprague.
03-03-10c, 1892 – May 1895
Box #63: Photo Albums, nearly Anonymous
located in closet in room 6
Album of Maurice (Molly) Hodgdon of Mill Cove. Most not ID’d (03-04-17)
Cromwell house, Fishers Hill, albums from Bill Barter (88-10-87)
McClintock album from Bill Leavitt (03-8-43)
Kate McClintock poem anthology, perhaps written by her. 03-8-55
Burt Fowler photos: 1930s to 1970s, Fisherman’s Festivals, parties in the Harbor, Jim Fowler, street scenes (95-1-6)
Box #64: East Boothbay School
Minutes of meetings of School District #3, 1846-1875
School district #3 intermediate register, 1896-1901. Jack Murray let us copy his. 03-11-79
Box #65: Photocopied Account Books
Amasa Piper store, on McFarlands Point, 1804-1817, given about 1990 by Michelle Menken
Milton Giles contractor, 1921-1924, 1926-1940s (94-12-75)
Meeting minutes of Boothbay Marine Railway, 1872-1906 (03-11-82), West Harbor
David Reed account book, 1763-1820, West Harbor; Walter Reed (dead) had original
Horace Runey account book of rentals and house sales, 1908-1919
Box #66: Almanacs
Probably many owned by E. F. Reed
Located in closet in room 6
Old Farmer’s Almanack, 1802-1896
Maine Farmer’s Almanac, 1819-1931
Box #67:
Box #68
Box #69: Mid-1800s Congo Church Records
From Francis GreeneFamily (04-9-177)
Box #70
Joseph McCobb ledger, 1820-1824, for the large Auld-McCobb store business in the Harbor, 230 pages. Bought fall 1987 for $300.00.
Sawyer & Plummer account book, Harbor sailmaker, 1858-1861, #510.
1857-61 local store account book unidentified, entries from daybook (names from northwest part of town).
Box #71A & B: Adjutant General’s Reports
Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Maine
1917-1919 Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 (97-10-98 a & b).
Supplement to the Annual Reports of the Adjutant General of the State of Maine – 1861-1866
Annual Report – Adjutant General – State of Maine for the year ending Dec. 31, 1866 (04/3/39)
Adjutant General Report Appendix D-I 1861
Adjutant Geneeral’s Annual Report: 1862, 1863, Vol. 1 – 1864-65, Vol. II – 1964-65 (06-7-53-566)
Box #72: PHOTO COLLECTIONS, East Boothbay
Photos tied in string (06-9-102) of Miss Reed and Miss Irving of East Boothbay, taken in the 1940s and 1950s. Boothbay and elsewhere
Box #73: PHOTO COLLECTIONS, Boothbay Harbor
Bess Reed’s photo collection in albums and single images. It’s listed in Views as BH000. Many photos were removed from this collection and placed in the Views file. A list of what remains in this box is in the front of drawer 12, in a file entitled APHOT3.
This Acct Bk Box is in the closet in room 3.