I/we wish to become a member of the Boothbay Region Historical Society.
Phone ____________________________
E-mail address: ________________________________________________ Note: Members who furnish an email address receive our e-updates and full-color newsletters. ___I prefer to receive the print version of the Boothbay Region Historical Society Newsletter by regular mail.Annual dues, May 1 to April 30:
_____$20.00 Dory
_____$35.00 Pinky
_____$50.00 Sloop
_____$100.00 Schooner
_____ over $100.00 Brig
My check for ___________________ number ________________ is enclosed.
Please mail this form, together with your check, to the address above. Thank you for joining the effort to preserve region history.
Check here ______________ if you would be interested in finding out more about volunteering for Boothbay Region Historical Society.